Avatar Angel, the Last Novel of Jack Kerouac
Avatar Angel, the Last Novel of Jack Kerouac
In his latest novel, Chuck Rosenthal brings Jack Kerouac back from the dead, creating a posthumous novel in the voice of the legendary beat novelist. On the road again, Kerouac is back to deliver the message of death’s existential loneliness, only made worse by what he finds on his return to compare it to. Rosenthal carries off the ambitious task, writing great lyrical passages, full of word play, neologism, compression, scatting, and riffs. He never forgets that Kerouac the free spirit was also Kerouac the writer.

“There’s hopped-up frenzy and plenty of wit here. . . “
— Kirkus Review
“Best book by a dead man in years.”
— William Burroughs
“Up to its ears in eloquent Void.”
— Allen Ginsberg
— Neal Cassady
“Wot a crock!”
— Gregory Corso
“Is it true? Did this really happen? I almost believe it did or could have. Couldn’t have but it could have.”
— Norman Grochowski